Ms. Marvel No Normal Review: Simply marvelous from start to finish

Iman Vellani in Ms. Marvel (2022)

The season finale of Ms. Marvel, No Normal, is the best finale of any MCU series.

Last week’s penultimate episode was a sprawling somewhat, rushed setup for the finale. There was a jump back in time and significant consequences in the present. No Normal is the opposite in many ways.

The focus mostly centers around a few settings in Jersey City and allows the fantastic chemistry between the core characters to shine. Kamala returns home from her trip and quickly sets out to help Bruno and Kamran thwart the DODC. They make a final stand at the high school that’s reminiscent of Home Alone.

The action sequences haven’t been the series strongest aspect. In No Normal, the action sequences are terrific with both Kamala and Kamran’s powers used in creative ways.

As fantastic as Kamala’s embiggening powers are, it’s the family sequences with the Khans that shine brightest. There’s a father-daughter as well as a mother-daughter scene, each is simply lovely in every sense. What started out as parents struggling with their daughter’s independence has turned into parents fulling embracing their daughter and all her quirks.

Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah return after directing the first two episodes. They do a fantastic job reinstating the visual creativity on display in those early episodes.

I could have used some more dimensions to Agent Deever’s character. However, No Normal is a triumph in every way imaginable.

Simply put, Ms. Marvel is without question one of the top 3 MCU series today and easily the best property Marvel has released in 2022.

With the overview out of the way, let’s dive deeper into the elements that stood in No Normal. There may be some minor spoilers. Ms. Marvel is available to stream on Disney Plus.

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A Khan Family Marvel

No Normal wastes little time. Kamala upon returning to Jersey City, immediately reveals her identity to the rest of her family. In a lovely moment, they reveal Muneeba already spilled the beans.

The best aspect of the reveal is how the family rallies around Kamala. Muneeba appears to show initial signs of the strict mother she was in the pilot. She tells Kamala she can’t go out and help Bruno. However, it’s actually a fun twist. She’s actually stopping Kamala to give her daughter a new costume. Zenobia Shroff as Muneeba and Iman Vellani as Kamala are simply brilliant in this scene.

Later, her father gets an opportunity to express pride in his daughter. Sitting on the roof of their house, Yusuf explains how Kamala got her name. Kamala was perfect when she was born so they chose a name that reflected what they saw. Mohan Kapur knocks this scene out of the park.

Every family scene in No Normal and really the series itself has felt authentic.

No Normal Girl

With a new costume in tow, Kamala heads out to help Kamran and Bruno. Kamala’s control over her powers over the course of the series is impressive. She runs on the steps of crystals she creates. It’s not too different from Spider-Man swinging over the streets of New York.

Kamaran and Bruno try to hide at the mosque. Nakia suggests they head to the high school. Since it’s a Saturday, the school will be empty and should be a good place to hide. Once at the high school, Kamala hatches a plan with her brother (hilarious entrance into the scene), Nakia, Bruno, Kamran and Zoe.

The group essentially Home Alone‘s the school as a distraction. Using the distraction will buy Kamala time to get Kamran to the harbor.

Before putting the plan into action, Kamala apologizes to Nakia for lying. Nakia and Zoe also have a nice scene. Zoe knew Kamala’s secret for a while but never shared it across her large social media following. Nakia’s surprised. Zoe just says Kamala saved her life and Kamala should reveal her identity when she’s ready.

You can really feel the Edgar Wright energy all over the early portion of the high school sequence. This could have been a simple, boring explanation scene. However, watching Kamala’s plan is actually almost as fun as seeing it play out, which is excellent in its own right.


Eventually, the superior numbers of the DODC are able to subdue Bruno, Zoe, Nakia and Aamir. Kamala and Kamran are alone. Kamran, who already has control issues, wants to know what happened to his mother, Najma. Kamala explains she died closing the veil to Noor.

Kamran loses it. Instead of escaping, he starts attacking the DODC agents. Kamala in a final step towards being a full-on hero is forced to protect herself, Kamran from the DODC agents and the DODC agents from Kamran.

Earlier inside the high school, Zoe use her social media influence to get the word out about what was happening at the school. A larger crowd, which includes Kamala’s family is part of the crowd cheering her on. Agent Deever, already defying orders, decides to use a powerful sonic weapon that blasts Kamala and Kamran back.

For the first time in the series, Kamala finally gains access to her embiggening power. She is able to make herself bigger. There’s one moment where in a fit of rage Kamran launches a car near the DODC. Unfortunately, the car careens toward Kamala’s family in the crowd. Kamala is able to catch it.

Kamala is finally able to help Kamran escape. The crowd protects Kamala from the DODC just long enough for her to skip away. Kamran eventually ends up back in Pakistan with Red Dagger. The episode ends with Bruno revealing there’s something different about Kamala’s genes, a mutation if you will. Kamala flippantly says that’s just another label and drives off with her friends to end the season.

No Normal Final Thoughts

No Normal is easily the best finale of any MCU series. The quality of the finale cements Ms. Marvel as one one of the top 3 MCU shows so far. For me, I have it below Hawkeye and above WandaVision. I can’t wait to see Kamala back again in The Marvels in 2023.

The Review

No Normal - Season Finale

9.5 Score


  • Terrific family moments that almost brought me to tears.
  • Strong visuals, action and creative directing by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah.
  • Really strong development of Kamala's powers during the high school fight.
  • Kamala's final steps to being a true hero are shown. She protects agents trying to capture her and Kamran from the agents as well as her family.


  • Agent Deever was a one-note villain to end the season on.

Review Breakdown

  • Outstanding 9.5
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